Season Finale

MoonRise Q&A and Fan Art Contest

Hey, Moonrisers! Hope you all enjoyed our Season 1 finale of MoonRise! Next week we’ll be releasing a Q&A episode where we answer any questions you might have about Kam and the gang. So if you’ve got ’em, let us know in the comments of the 30th episode and we’ll answer as many as we possibly can!


Also, for the artistic souls among you, we’re launching an Art Contest with cash prizes for the top three entrants (judged by us), and the overall winner will have the opportunity (should they choose) to draw (with colors and letters by Cem Iroz) a humorous, 10-panel recap of Season 1 (paid, of course) to be released the same day as the debut of Season 2! Visit the MoonRise Fan Art Contest page for more details.